Saturday 19 February 2011

It's a Mad,Mad,Mad,Mad World

If we watch the news too much we can easily become overloaded by the level of inhumanity, exploitation, greed and the murder of innocents. The mind recoils and seeks solace in the mundane familiar, the fripperies of everyday life like sipping momentary forgetfulness from the river Lethe of the Greek underworld. Madness surely lies in watching the news too much, as it reflects the worlds madness, more so if we in turn reflect on it too much (Perhaps it should be called the TV Scream and not screen). The window on our world, the TV, the PC or even the radio are more like a mirror revealing the insouciance, the tiredness, the feelings of powerlessness in the face of the World, the weakness of our Flesh and the Satan of Greed that lies at the root of Plunder, Want and Misery. The Panacea for this is protest, saying, "NO, I AM NOT ACCEPTING THIS ANYMORE" and joining others who feel similarly. And yet if we see the Madness, absorbing it and do nothing, then we too will have become mad; and if we ignore it we have put our head in the sand and we will not see the tide of inhumanity coming our way. If we care though we must 'be the change' and accept the dictates of our human consciences and Act for all and not just for some.

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